Fic: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 8 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko, NC-17)

May 31, 2010 22:19

Title: Bought and Paid For, Chapter 8
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pair: Ryan Wolfe / Eric Delko
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine, etc.
Feedback: Always welcome.

CSI Miami Main List

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 
Chapter 6
Chapter 7

Summary: Ryan Wolfe is a CSI working on a murder case. Eric Delko is a man of different vocation. A dead man brings them together.

PS: Despite the title, this is NOT a slave fic or anything similar. The meaning of the title becomes clear during the story, but it’s not what it sounds like.


“Please, don’t-”

“Do as I say.” Garden interrupted and pressed the barrel of his gun against his cheek. “I don’t want it this way, but you didn’t leave me a choice. Do as I say.”

Eric swallowed the small whimper that was growing in his throat, and clicked the other end of the handcuffs around his wrist, wrapped the chain around one of the metal poles at the end of the bed. He looked up at Garden, but the man looked too pleased to change his mind. Eric clinked the other end of the cuff around his other wrist, cuffing himself to the headboard and locking his hands above his head. The small clink of the cuffs sounded like a cell door being closed. He was trapped. If he had argued any more about the cuffs, Garden would have used the gun, Eric was sure of that. Going along with the man’s orders left him defenceless, but in his mind defenceless beat dead every time.

“Makes you wonder…” Garden chuckled and eyed the display. “Why would a cop keep a pair of cuffs under his bed? I’m sure you know why.”
“One more time…” Eric tried to keep his voice steady. “… Ryan and I have never had sex. Not even once. Not with or without the cuffs.”
“Then why are you here?”
“Just… staying for a while.”
“Tell me the truth. First you met him at your place, then you show up here.” Garden sat down on the edge of the bed. “Getting comfortable here.” The mouth of the gun slid up the skin of Eric’s bare thigh. “In your underwear and T-shirt. Is that what he likes?”
“I was just gonna go to bed-”
“Why did you come here?”
“I… I came to see him.”
“Why?” Garden’s eyes were becoming moist. He leaned down to look at Eric in the eye. “What did you want from him?”

“Nothing.” Eric sighed. The sense of hopelessness was turning into a physical feeling. “I just wanted him.”

“At least you’re honest about it. Finally. That’s the problem.”


“There.” Fenwick pointed across the road. “Matches the neighbour’s description.”

“He’s gotta be inside.” Ryan instinctively checked his gun. “He could have conned his way in or just ring the doorbell and use force.”
“I’ll call for back-up.”
“Do that.” Ryan looked up, his eyes fixed on the lit windows of his apartment. “Then we’ll go in.”
“Without a back-up?”
“Are you saying you’re not man enough to be my back-up?”

“You wanna go up to see if an insane, off his meds, three time killer is after your loverboy and we can’t wait five minutes for the patrol to get here?” Fenwick smirked like a Cheshire cat. “If you were a woman, you’d be just my kinda girl.”


“It makes a difference.” Garden groaned, more to himself than to Eric. “If you came to him for him and not money… it means he can’t stay. I gotta make him go away too… it just makes him too dangerous. For both of us.”

“He’s not a danger. Not to you and not to me-”
“He is. I can buy you. And you sell yourself. It’s that simple. I can give you what you want and you can give me what I want, it doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. But if…” He wiped few tears from the corner of his eye. “… if he’s still around you could get tempted to leave. Did he… You said you never slept with him, but… did he touch you?”
“Answer me.”
“We kissed.”
“You kissed. Where did he touch you?” Garden placed his sweaty hand on Eric’s shoulder and slid it down his body. “Here? Or lower?”

Eric bit his lower lip. The hand moving downwards yanked at the waistband of his boxer briefs and paused.
“Lower?” Garden’s hand caressed Eric’s soft member through the fabric, then moved down, diving between his thighs. He grabbed Eric’s buttock and pressed his fingers into the soft flesh. “Did he touch you here?” He tilted his head to the side and observed Eric’s reactions. “He did. And you let him.”

It happened before Eric could even realise he was doing. Garden pulled his hand back, closet it into a fist and backhanded him across his face. Eric head snapped to the side and a burst of warm blood gushed down his face.

“You let him touch you.” garden gritted his teeth. “I can forgive you for whoring around, that’s how I found you. But when you let that cop touch you like that…” He leaned down, his face right above Eric’s. “… that’s a betrayal.”

“I haven’t betrayed anyone-”
“I played your game, I paid for you and you’re mine. You let him touch my property.” He pressed his face against Eric’s, warm blood staining his cheek. “I’ll forgive you. My fault… I didn’t mark you. He thought he could have you, you even encouraged him.” He slid down the Eric’s body, caressing the shivering man under him. His hands reached the waistband of the boxer briefs, but this time his touch wasn’t a caress. He unceremoniously tore the clothing off, tearing the flimsy fabric to little pieces.

Eric closed his eyes. He could feel his heart beating painful fast and his legs seemed to be out of his control. Fear and exhaustion made every move an agony, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t lift his legs to try to kick of the man away from him. He knew it would only make Garden angrier, and the realisation hit him like a ton of bricks: There was nothing he could do. In the beginning he had always been careful with his clients, but then he had started to enjoy the feel of power of them. He had something they wanted and he dictated the price and the conditions. Now he had been stripped of that power. Fear had washed away every last piece of it and all that was left was a scared man, who could only wait and hope he’d get thought the night alive.

Few tears were trickling down his cheek, leaving a wet rail behind. Garden’s grabbed his legs and pushed them up against his chest. Eric tried to block everything out of his mind, but it only seemed to make them more intense. The cold night wind blowing through the half open window. The hands holding his legs up. The hard cock rubbing against his entrance. The feel of humiliation.

The feel of horror.
It washed away all others.

Eric pressed his eyes shut and bit his bottom lip. He held his breath, waiting for the pain.

He waited, but it didn’t come. Loud noises made him tilt his head to the side, pressing it against the pillow. He could hear everything, but he couldn’t open his eyes.

Garden’s laboured breathing.

The squeaking of the bed.


Three gunshots.

Chapter 9

show: csi miami, -nc-17, csi miami / series: bought & paid for, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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