Here are some silly things I've done recently!
- I ran entirely out of soda beverages last week, so bought new ones & wanted them to be cold quickly, so I put one in the freezer and one in the fridge. Drank the freezer-coke, replaced it with another because I planned to involve it in vodka shennanigans later. Those didn't happen, and the next morning, it occurred to me that there was a good chance I left the freezer-coke in the freezer. On the way from my bedroom to the fridge, I thought, "Haha, if I did that, I will have to title a LJ post about it," and then I opened the freezer door and whoops, yes, I did forget to remove that soda beverage from the freezer and freezer-coke will, in fact, explode. The only reason I didn't end up using it for the title of this post is that I've done so much stupid crap in the last couple of weeks that I needed a whole list for it. 8D
- Did Habitat for Humanity on Saturday, which was great!! Even in 90+ degree heat and I am the whitest, you guys, the whitest - during the lunch break, I was sitting with my legs stretched out in the sunlight and said "Dear God, those are white," and my dad just burst out laughing at me. Didn't get burned anywhere except the backs of my arms and the sides of my face, because I'm awesome. I look so amazing. More amazing than usual, you have no idea.
- Put my phone in the fridge and left it there for a couple of hours, idek. I honestly don't know if it's better that happened because my phone was in the lunch bag I took home from work.
And still not done with painting the house yet. Not even close. It was, perhaps, too ambitious of me to expect to get it done the same weekend I was doing Habitat, but the horrible brown the living room is right now is driving me completely insane. It's like that yellow wallpaper in The Yellow Wallpaper, except it's brown paint.
In conclusion, it is so hot here bluuuhhhhh