Ron Paul Pros/Cons:
• End Iraq War: stop giving Al-Qaeda the chaos they need to rise to power. The Democrats have failed unforgivably at this. We need to "just come home."
• Abolish IRS: Stop paying federal income taxes completely. Com. Plete. Ly. As long as we keep a big barrel of money lying around that everyone has so-called "equal" access to, people will continue to group themselves and give meaning to the differences between themselves and others as they fight to "protect" their share. That equals the continuation of racism, homophobia, gender bias, and all other forms of discrimination running rampant in America today. We functioned until 1913 without a federal income tax, and we can do it again.
• Abolish Fed'l Dept. of Education: Let communities control their children's destinies and allow educators (me) to compete for higher wages
• Non-Interventionist: no 'pre-imminent strikes' or illegal meddling in other countries' affairs
• Non-Isolationist: would encourage trade and dialogue with the world
• Fund Social Security: put the money we took out back in so our grandparents, and eventually ourselves, won't die in medical poverty
• End the War of Drugs: Uncle Vernie is sorry he smoked dope and snorted a line or two in college, what he'd really like is a clean record so he can get a job. Also, free up the prison population of overwhelmingly non-violent offenders, erase the black market for drugs and eliminate the thugs that make millions off of it
• Reputation: They say when people go to change Washington, Washington changes them. There is a near unanimous opinion in Washington that this is not true of Ron Paul. He has been dubbed "the exception" by many members of Congress. His speech in intelligent; he consistently articulates very intelligent thoughts in the face of heavy-handed bias and criticism. Expect many more civil interviews as TV networks wake up and realize what this guy is saying. In debates, he deftly defends himself from political attacks and...I'm out of words, the dude is just amazing. I wish I could've had him as a grandpa growing up.
• Separation of Church and State: Ron Paul is not a religious nut. He has Christian values, but does not force them on anyone. He is a Constitutionalist and a non-interventionist always.
• would probably overturn Roe v. Wade if/when it comes up (silver lining: would do so b/c it interferes w/ states' rights, abortion would still be legal in some states. Also, as a result of tax cuts, millions of young women would finally be able to care for their babies, most likely lowering the demand for the procedure)
• that's really the only one I can think of. I suppose gun control could be an issue for some people. Ron Paul would again leave it up to states to decide for themselves, though.
If you are a Democrat, why are you so loyal to your party? What have they done lately that's so great? They haven't ended the war in Iraq, they say they want to balance the budget but don't, and they're passing legislation that increases spending instead of conserving at a time of record increases in debt. People from other countries, and sadly our own, can't even tell the difference between Democrats and Republicans anymore! Good ol' America is hemmoraging value right now and sewing up the seams = fiscal conservatism. Citizen Democrats have a golden opportunity here to really cause a stir; jumping ship and voting in the Republican primaries would not only send a resounding message of disapproval to Congressional Democrats, it would also deny neo-con thugs like Romney or Giuliani the nomination and really fuck them in the ear. If you're pissed off, tired, bored, disgusted and frustrated about politics, Ron Paul is your obvious antidote. Go ye to the land of YouTube, and seek his wisdom. Then, donate on Dec. 16, even if its just a buck, to help him raise $10 million in a single day (the current record is $4.3 million, also set by Paul on Nov. 5, 2007). It's our only hope to escape the same old bullshit that any other candidate will bring to the white house; Ron Paul is indeed the Obi Wan Kenobi of our generation.
Michigan residents have until Dec. 17 to change their voter registration in order to vote in the Republican primaries on Jan. 15, 2008. Thousands have done so already. Just pinch your nose when you do so, knowing you can go in Jan. 16 and change it right back.
Do it. Stop dreaming about a world where politicians aren't all corrupt. Go to a little trouble to elect one who isn't. America needs you to.
Please comment if you have any questions and I will try my best to answer them.