Finals, Finals, And More Finals...

May 07, 2003 17:53

I never thought I'd say this, but... I miss the days of Lil Carter. Now there's a woman who knows how to write a good Final Exam. I mean, what's up with all of this essay stuff? Lil's finals were genius. Five questions and one bonus. Number one: Who was Cole Porter? Number two: Where would you find Officer Krupke? Number three: Locate right stage from wall perspective on this map. Number four: Jeff fell off the stage due to A) faulty stage design B) blinding spot gels or C) general stupidity. Number five: Who is Buckwheat? Bonus Question: What is your favorite color?

Yeah, it was just a Drama final. And, okay, Lil's insane. I mean, she actually got hit by lightning. Twice. But still... The lady's a Test Goddess. I wish she'd give lessons to my Applied Physics professor. That would be a fun test. ::sighs:: Finals suck, man. They're not difficult or anything, but what a waste of time and energy. I think I'm going to sue the college for the pain and suffering my professors inflicted this quarter. Hand Cramp's the leading cause of essay failure, you know...

Anyway. I got home in time to watch All My Children. Yes, I am pathetic. Thanks for asking. I really do think that the grandmother/finals combo has destroyed what was left of my brain. I spent half an hour giggling over this exchange:

Kendall: Well, what if - what if Bianca does believe me? What if she does? Then she'll hate me forever.
Erica: Kendall, she already hates you. I mean - surely, you must know that.

Hee. Yeah, you probably have no idea why that's funny, and I don't have the time to explain. Basically... Alicia Minshew is ab-fab as "Kick Me Hard" Kendall, and Susan Lucci is so melodramatic as "Conniving Queen of Enchantment" Erica that it's perfect. I never thought anyone could replace Sarah Michelle Gellar as Kendall, but damned if Minshew didn't take the role right over. Take that, Buffy, you arrogant bitch. Speaking of Buffy... BURN, JOSS, BURN!!! Rotten, lying, implausible scenario writing, Tara-murdering bastard. Ahhhh. That felt great. I haven't had a good Joss-Snark in a while. And Marti sucks too. So there.

Yup. That about covers it. Finals bad, All My Children good, Mutant Enemy evil. Oh, I almost forgot: grandmother annoying. Really, really annoying. (She's still trying to figure out if it was a dinosaur or a unicorn, if that's any indication...) Is it possible to smother yourself with a pillow? I'm off to find out. If I don't update again... The answer is probably yes.
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