May 05, 2003 20:30
Exams suck. I spent two hours writing about the defining standards of the modern American fiction movement. Who cares? When am I ever going to need this particular bit of knowledge? And the professors don't care. I could have written an essay about the perils of crossbreeding dolphins with squirrels and they'd write something in the margins about "solid thought process" and "excellent structure." Gah. I was sitting there about halfway through the essay trying to write about the "escape from cloying authoritarianism" and trying not to laugh. I mean... Ironic much?
I have more exams tomorrow, which I should probably be studying for, but I am so far beyond the point of caring... Especially about Practical Logic. I'm devoid of regular logic, let alone logic of a practical nature. And the questions are always ridiculous. The last short answer we did was something along the lines of: "How do you know what you know, if in fact you know it? And if you know what you don't know, do you really know it?" I was in a particularly surly mood at the time and wrote something like: "Am I supposed to write something about a priori knowledge here, or are you just trying to be cute? I don't have any idea if you can know something without knowing if you don't know if you know it, and I don't happen to care. Did you know that rats can't vomit? Did you know that you didn't know that rats can't vomit? Do you care? No? Good. We're even." The professor gave me the best grade in the class and made some comment about the value of knowing when to tell someone to sod off. The fuh? I paid an obscene amount of money for this? I tell people to sod off on a regular basis. I sure as hell didn't need some halfwit college professor to give me the go-ahead...
Anyway. I'm off to take a moonlight walk on the beach with Lexi. That's the only good thing about living on a freaking island. You get a beach. I feel so horrifically provincial now. Maybe I should add something about muggers to make me seem more worldly... We don't have muggers on Plum Island. We just have really big greenheads.