Tonight I'm listening to Cappella Pratensis. The album is
Josquin: Missa Lesse faire a mi. If you consult the list of performers you'll see my uncle's name in there. I think I'll hold off on mentioning which one he is. I think the small handful of people who might care already know my last name in any case.
I don't think I know the proper name to describe this music, but I'm pretty sure it's medieval. The closest I could come is Gregorian Chant, but I have a hunch that that's inaccurate. I enjoy the music, but the reason I actually tracked it down today was that a friend of mine has his birthday on Friday and I have it on good authority that music would be a good gift. Unfortunately, the type of music my source recommended I give was "renaissance opera/vocal music" with a leaning towards "light opera" and a preference for French or Italian pieces. It would be nice to give a gift that I picked out myself but I don't really know anything about opera, let alone specific sub-genres of opera from specific periods and nations. Luckily a store was recommended to me along with the gift suggestion so if all else fails I'll just go there and seek enlightenment.
I wanted to work on my portfolio web page, and I did, but I was held back by that damn Veronica Mars. I have succumbed and now I am watching the show almost as quickly as the episodes become manifest on my hard drive.