Weekend in review - with pics :)

Oct 12, 2011 22:42

Weekend in review (a little late).

I had the luxury of a 4 day weekend and it was good. Unfortunately the Nige had to work for most of it. Friday I headed out to visit my mum and had lunch with her. Then headed to do some fabric shopping and back home to do some stuff around the house. I headed to TO for the night to see the Nige as well as D&D and Monkey man and stayed over. In the morning I followed D2 to the Brickworks market bright and early, had a nice walk about with the pups, met some of the vendors and scored myself coffee and breakie to boot. I made it back to Lindsay by 10:30 so parked the car at home and took the pups for a walk up to the Lindsay farmer's market where I got some fresh veg and flowers - the last of the gladiolas my favourites.

Back at home I spent much of Saturday working around the house and reclaiming the spare room. Since Pennsic we had taken to depositing alot of SCA stuff in there to be 'tackled later'............well it was time for later to happen. Felt great to get things sorted, folded, put away & to have the room back and usable for more than a dumping ground. Did some laundry and basically tidied the house. I am a happy girl when my house is 'just so' :)

Around 3pm I headed out to the farm to visit with folks and just relax with friends, sadly I missed out on the crab fest that D2 had brought for birthday goodies for K. Regardless it was lovely to just sit outside and visit, watch the dogs tear about and enjoy a drink with friends. R&L came out with Gabriel and it was nice to finally meet the wee guy. He was a very content little man taking in the sounds and sights. I didn't stick around for dinner and instead came home to have a quiet evening and watched some UFC and got a good nights sleep.

Sunday I did yet more around the house, made a fresh crumble and headed back out to the farm in the afternoon for more puppy running, visiting and dinner with folks. Ilsa really wanted to play with the chickens but they wouldn't go for it - to her credit although she did chase one she didn't do so with intent (as a whippet if they wanted to would catch the chicken no problemo). When I told her to 'leave it' she stopped, took another hop after it and stopped again - then looked at me as if to ask "do you mean don't chase THIS chicken or don't chase ALL the chickens?" I think she got the message as there were not subsequent chases..

Not too long after dinner I headed back home to meet the Nige after work. Monday got to sleep in with the Nige which is always wonderful, went out for breakie and then did house stuff :) It may be silly but puttering around our house makes me feel very contentedly married.

More friends came out to our place Monday afternoon - D&P, J&E, P and Oddson #2 who was wonderfuly entertaiing :) Got to visit, kabitz, watch the boys fight, play with the pups, visit and enjoy a lovely dinner with contributions from all. I reallay appreciated that folks were willing to come to us :)

All and all a great weekend.

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