A Series of Unrelated Events

Jul 03, 2008 09:49

-This weekend is my second and likely final(for this cycle at least) Tokyo Disney Adventure. I will be going with Lea, Jadie, and my other friend Erin...methinks it will be good times.

-Japan again displays it's limited understand of the English language and how some abbreviations are not so okay as Square-Enix has named its toy line...SQEX TOYS... But then again, this is also the country where small children run around with the playboy bunny all over their persons.

-Blitz 12 is mostly done. Gotta finish the last scene and run a final self edit before sending it off to my beta. I hope to have it posted by Monday...I also plan to shorten my chapters after this one. Fear not! The cliffhanger ending I thought I wouldn't be able to avoid has successfully been avoided.

-Unseen Eyes...is trying to kill my brain...

-I have to pay a $500 deposit to live on campus at my school ;__; Even with the job, but I am now placed and will hopefully be able to ship my things straight to my new address.

-My house is being packed up now and I realize that I have a shit load of books...but I kind of love that fact.

-Jadie and I had the most wonderful experience last weekend buying her a yukata. I kind of want one too...but as I'm heading home in like 5 weeks...I would have no where to wear it as I would feel like a tool trying to pull that in the states.

-Tomorrow is my last day with one of my elementary schools...there are no words to describe my glee. I've decided that I'm just not meant to teach very small children. 10 yrs old and up, fine. Anything younger...not so much. This might also just be because small children in Japan are not end to disturbing...

-I forgot how much I love Demon Diary...


random, fanfiction, adventure, lotb, japan, school

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