On stuff...

Jun 20, 2008 14:04

So like...I've got two more visits left to one of my Elementary Schools, and I feel kind of bad because...I kind of can't wait to be done with it. I mean, the kids love me so much, and I know they're going to be really sad when I go(oh, I hope no one cries) but I don't think little kids is my thing. The older ones are fine. 4th or 5th grade and up, no problem. But the younger ones just...have no concept of boundaries...and I find that frustrating.

In the mean time, my brain has already clocked out. Crafts and games are the plan for classes from here on out! My focus is now on making sure the new ALT coming in will be all set up when she gets here. It's going to be hard because she has practically no Japanese, and I know that for me, I completely dreaded ES visits in the beginning. It is beyond terrifying to be completely incapable of communicating with anyone around you. At least there are two quasi-English speakers at one of the schools. That should be a big help for her.

What else...hmm. I posted a story last night and the reviews are coming in, but it's funny, y'know. When I first started doing fanfiction, I would starve for the reviews. When they didn't come I'd feel just a little crushed. I know that was due to near chronic loneliness and a plethora of other issues associated with prolonged periods of isolation in a completely foreign environment, but still, I'm amazed at how much my perspective has changed on that matter. It's like, there are a few people that I look forward to hearing from, and then after that...yay for more reviews, but it's not really needed.

It's made me realize something. It is important to write for yourself, yes, but for me, it's all the more important to have someone in particular to share it with. So to all of you guys who have taken the time to get to know me beyond the ffn review button, thanks. It's you guys that I'm writing for :)

fanfiction, life, writing, japan, school, work

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