Project Progress

Feb 18, 2014 13:26

So...there has been progress on the project I've code named MELF. I've got a pretty decent composition figured out. I don't know that I appreciate the current style. I need to do some research and see if there is something the I can take inspiration from. It's a thing though, and things are good right?

I've also gained and ally in the completion of my fics. I now have a beta working with me. She and I work well together I think, and just sending her emails to explain my idea for the withdrawal fic has helped me so much in figuring out what I want to do with the story.

I'm off today and tomorrow so I hope to get a lot of work done on both of these...and maybe update my LJ icons...hmm...

OH! Also, working on cheesecake Merlin shot. So silly XD and then I was struck with a brills idea! just now!

merlin, writing, art fest, fandom, progress

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