Elf!Merlin progress

Feb 08, 2014 02:13

So, my prompt for the Merlin Art Fest is as follows:

Characters/Pairing/Gen: Merlin or Merlin/Arthur
Time-period or theme: Fantasy with Elf!Merlin
Place: castle or possibly in a forest
Emotion: any
Sense: touch
Object: elf!ears + tattoos + elementals :nature/trees, earth, fire, water, ice, etc
Action: magic & command over the elements
Mood: any
Maximum rating: any

That was a bit of a no-brainer for me because there is little I love more than elemental things and magical things and elves! So yeah, way into it.

Did a bit of reference research for the image today, looking at tons of LOTR things, Thranduil in particular. Have decided that my scenario is going to have something to do with Merlin as an Elf Prince, and Arthur hunting in his woods. After a unicorn. Merlin captures him with magic before Arthur can do any harm, and Merlin is intrigued by Arthur's beauty. Hmm...maybe Arthur can be a half-elf in this scenario? Lord, somehow this is turning into fic xP

No sketches yet, but I'm planning to do research for the tat tmr, and maybe work on some accessories/clothing.

merlin, art fest, fandom, fanart

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