
May 17, 2010 22:37

For those of you dying for a smell update: so far, so good. I also put vinegar and baking soda down the sink drain to get rid of weird kitchen sink smells. Mom suggested using my garbage disposal on a lime to get some citrus-fresh scent in the sink. Will do.

I feel like all I have been doing since the semester ended is doing laundry, watching "The Real Housewives of New York/New Jersey," going to Target and sleeping. I think I've been to Target 4 times in the last week. I might have gone to two different Targets in one day.

I went on a bit of a spending spree after I found out about my job and the extra money I'll be getting next year for a Mellon Dickens seminar. Whenever I get a job I start shopping for 'work clothes' but the truth is I probably have plenty of clothes and if I just lost some weight I would have even more (because I refused to get rid of my clothes from before I ballooned). Everything I have bought is Target cheap stuff, but still. I need to stop spending or things are going to get bad.

I'm going home in a few days, which is such a relief. At the same time I am glad I am staying here this summer. Better to get the whole 'real life as a adult' thing over with at once. I will miss Kara, however. She's the only one who will be in Charlottesville this summer.

I have so many things that have been on my to do list for weeks but they aren't things I really want to do. Like call Amica and tell them about the jerk that scratched and dented my Mini and didn't leave a note. And call VISA to get reward points for my laptop. And get my eyebrows waxed. They are all such fun things.

Orientation tomorrow at 10 AM. Will enjoy seeing people and free lunch but can't imagine what in the world is going to take all day tomorrow and Wednesday to teach us. Oh well! After that's done I'll be home. For a few days.

too much to do, shopping, housewifery, cleaning, work, target, laundry, to do, houston, apartment

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