Holiday Roast

Dec 08, 2009 21:29

I am so frickin HOT. It's over 80 degrees in my apartment. Outside it is about 65, but it got up to 78 today with 100% humidity. It would be one thing if it was just hot, but it's sticky. It's like a sauna inside and outside. And I can't in good conscience turn on the air conditioning. So I've turned off all the lights, opened all the windows, turned on all the fans, turned off my desktop... UGH. I would like it to stay under 70 in winter, thanks. Or stay hot enough that I can use the air conditioning. The worst part is I'm sure there are Texans who are freezing in this weather and have their heat on, making my 3rd story apartment an oven.

I'm behind on my work and not really motivated to do anything in this heat.

hot, houston, weather, apartment

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