Christmas apron is the new Christmas sweater

Dec 07, 2009 22:31

Today was sort of a failure. I felt like I couldn't do anything right. Drove in rush hour traffic in Houston for 1.5 hours getting lost and going in the wrong directions. People are such assholes here and driving on the freeway is a nightmare. I felt this sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that was anxiety, anger, frustration... it still hasn't totally gone away. To make myself feel better I bought myself a Christmas apron (and some other stuff). So. Yeah. Somehow the first time I go shopping for Christmas presents I come back with only things for myself... fail. But a fun fail.

One thing that kept me from becoming completely homicidal was the christmas music on the radio. What's your favourite Christmas carol? My favourite religious carol is "O Holy Night" and my favourite secular one is probably "All I Want For Christmas" although "Rocking around the Christmas Tree" sends me into an euphoric spending spree so I guess that one is one of my faves, too. I love Christmas carols but once I get home I don't really get to listen to them except in the car because my dad hates them. Yeah, he's so cheerful and festive. We can only listen to Christmas carols two days: when we put up the tree and Christmas day. And since I won't be there for the tree decorating, I guess I'll only get a couple hours of carols on Christmas day...

I am really tired, physically and mentally exhausted, which is actually kind of odd for this hour, but I didn't get my nap so I guess that's why. I should go to bed early just in case my body is trying to tell me something with this fatigue. Probably: stop playing solitaire instead of sleeping at night.

This place is a wreak. Tomorrow: cleaning, meet w/ professor about final paper, library, research, nap, more cleaning, more research, writing. Sounds like fun! The only really fun part of the day will probably be cleaning because I'll be able to watch a movie or listen to music (maybe even... Christmas carols!).

Got two Christmas cards (Thanks darkangsty42 & Molly!) I feel like an adult. Who lives in a real apartment. Who gets real mail. Just realized all my cards are at home so they might not get sent until close to (or after :P) Christmas.

christmas, shopping, traffic, houston, christmas carols, busy

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