Jan 26, 2011 21:38
Ladies and Gentlerladies of the 90s, I present to you:
"Fun with Pokemon Puns"
In Several Acts
Setting: facebook wallpost.
Riley: Oh the unmanatee!
Erica: I'm dugonging crazy.
[I don't know where I was going with that, but, inadvertently, it begins.]
Riley: Well that Seels this conversation.
Erica: I don't Seadra direction you're going in here.
Riley: If you don't get it I got Ninetails that will explain it all.
Erica: Are you threatening me? I'Machop you....
Riley: You do and I'Machoke you! I'Machamp!
Erica: Yeah? Well I'm the Exeggutor.
Riley: Oh Dratini, my eyes are Squirtleing tears out of Fearow!
Erica: That was a Chansey one.Slowbro, this is rapidly turning Gastly.
Riley: Are you getting Drowzee? And if you do sleep, would it Haunter your dreams if I Lickitung'd one thing that belonged to you while you Snorlax?
Erica: WHOA, GRIMER!!! That's just Tentacruel!
Riley: Stay Tentacool, I don't wanna Jinx our friendship!
Erica: I think we can sound the Victreebel. I'll call off the Wartortle, you Weedle'd your way outta this one. Now gimme summa that Jigglypuff.
Riley: I Voltorb we bring this to an end.
Erica: Raichu are.
end scene
*curtain fall*