Jan 20, 2004 10:03
ok, i keep talking about having trouble sleeping, right. well, i decided to see doc about it. i go and tell him the problems i have been having:
no sleep
eyes twitching
always slightly annoyed
this jerk is gonna tell me that i am just inlove and thats what my problem is...what kind of bullshit answer is that? i cant believe i paid him to tell me something my grandmother could have come up with. see, my appointment was a week ago tomorrow. i've been pondering it ever since. see, thats my problem. i am too much of a chicken to call the man out right there when he's bullshitting me. NO! i just take it then go home angry and think on it for days and days until i just sneak and change doctors behind his back...what makes us this way? why didnt i just say, "Hey, you...Doctor! what is this? i know what it feels like to be in love and thats not whats wrong. if thats the best answer you can come up with, i'd better be finding myself another damn doctor!" and storm out...not my passive-agressive ass! i go out like a pussy, smiling and knodding my head in agreement; not saying whats really on my mind. the longer i think about it, the more pissed i get (at him and at myself). HEY, DOC: WHAT THE F*%@????