I have a lot of posts in me today -- disclaimer now.
Observations : I like it when the "Heroes" have to "act" their superpower (and believe me, there's a lot of acting going on, the actors in this show seem to fall vicitm to that a lot). It kind of cracks me up. That must be hours of squinting face and grunting.
What was up with the cheesy montage during Nathan's press conference??
I think I have a crush on David Anders -- Roddy commented last night that the "villians" on Heroes are fairly one-dimensional (see also : Syler) but I think there is more morally gray area to Ander's Adam. He is a force to be reckoned with -- I think he would do well on LOST -- so maybe if Heroes kills him off ... (doubt this will happen though, I have a feeling that there are many versions of Adam bouncing around in the time traveling universe) Oh, yes and for the record, I realize that the accent is fake -- it's a good fake though. Much like it was on Alias.
I love Jack Coleman's response when Bob told him Claire was becoming difficult ... "Really?" LOL -- great acting moment (Mohinder, Sylar and Peter should all take notice)
The house burning ghetto-G NOLA boy -- his accent was closer to the truth.
Surely Claire is going to give Nathan her blood -- isn't this an obvious next step? I don't see how the show can do without the Petrelli brothers -- Peter needs Nathan for more reasons than just the fact that Milo is a much better actor when Adrian Pasdar is in his scenes.
Mohinder has got to be dumbest geneticist alive -- I'd like to see the writers pair him with Elle so that she can zap the crap out of him.
So Sylar got his powers back -- oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I'll tune in for the 3rd season if only because I have so much fun watching the actor's stumble their way through the heavyhanded writing. And for David Anders ;)