all's quiet on the interwebs front

Dec 04, 2007 16:46

quiet today.

roddy convinced me to bed last night upon arriving home (early!) at 11:30 -- slept soundly for 7 1/2 hours. slept like i hadn't slept in weeks. maybe since the honeymoon. that good kind of sleep. vivid but not disturbing dreams. wrapped in blankets and body warmth good kind of sleep.

today seems to mimic the night. it's been quiet -- so quiet that i haven't done my usual round of emails to roddy at work nor chatted much with anyone nor really looked or read LJ until an hour or so ago. it's a good quiet, i think. my brain needs the respite.

i'm skipping class today. Love And War has caused my Studio rehearsal time to be limited and as I met with my scene partner yesterday to try and pull this together, she was called away for a film shoot. I have nothing to show for class and my first (of two) dress rehearsal is this evening at 7:30 so it's best I skip.

i sucked in rehearsal last night. i think the sleep will help this evening though. now that the show has flow, it's starting to kick in that i'm part of this beautiful piece of art -- and it really is art as there is no thru-line. we open thursday -- hope to see some you there at some point during the run. i'll spam with info tomorrow, probably.

acting nonsense, studio, babblings

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