Feb 20, 2007 00:39
Instead of doing homework, I'm definitely...procrastinating. I've been relatively productive all day so I think I'm due. It's just going to suck when I'm up 'til three in the morning, ha. Maybe two.
I'm not used to my laptop keyboard anymore. I've spent so much time at the library working on papers that it's a lot harder to type here. Not to mention that I don't sit with my laptop on my lap (ha...LAP top...imagine that) anymore because the cooling system in it has to be all gay. *sigh* So the keyboard's at a different height because it's on my desk.
I definitely have a five to seven page paper due tomorrow, along with a presentation over Jane Eyre (which I haven't seen my partner for over a week, so I think we're winging it), two weeks worth of material for Fairy Tale lit to read and a two-page response to those. Then I have to get started on my fucking huge Bibliography project that is due Wednesday for my night class. Plus reading for Beach's class. And another response. And though I'm excited to go see Jane Eyre tomorrow with Miss Darcy (and no work! woot!) I just want to get my homework done ha. Plus I'm going to write up a response to the show for extra credit. So that's more work. And I now have three Dvds checked out from the library that I have absolutely no fucking time to watch. I think on Wednesday night after my class I'm going to collapse. And make some lime Jello.
All this fairy tale reading has messed with my head.
Nibble, nibble, like a mouse
Who is nibbling at my house?
...and some people read waaaaaay too far into fairy tales. I mean..who wants to apply a Freudian reading to Hansel and Gretel? seriously?
Umm I definitely bought a roll of pre-made cookie dough on Friday. It's now gone. Three days later. And just my luck, I consumed it on days that I've been getting absolutely no exercise. Unless you count the motion of mastication that accompanies the prodigious amount of food I consume. Ugh.
Apparently there are five movies that the library keeps locked in a closet; a supervisor has to go get it if someone wants to check one out. The best, I think, is called Becoming Orgasmic. You learn something new every day.