This is a mid-month photo in my
Two Trees-project. I aim to post a photo of the same trees around the 21st of each month for a year, but since there was snow on the trees for a short while yesterday, I took a photo to post in between the November photo and the December photo, to ensure that at least one of the photos will include the beautiful white stuff.
The snow was gone again today, providing an excellent illustration of how I don't trust the Oslo winter to provide snow for any significant length of time anymore. I grew up in Oslo, and remember how there used to be a lot more snow when I was younger. This is not just golden childhood reminiscences; looking at the statistics for the Norwegian Meteorological Institute's weather station in Oslo, listed
here, there seems to have been a decrease in the amount of days per year with snow covering the ground starting in the late eighties.
It's scary reading, with all the talk of global warming.
I would like to hope that the coming winter will have lots of snow and consistently cold temperatures so the snow doesn't melt again every few days. There's probably not much chance of that, however, so here's to a white Christmas, at the very least!