Jun 14, 2006 18:00
so much for celibacy. it was a wierd little science project anyway. she is well worth giving it up. i fell in love again. not before we did it but i definately started falling for her before. sex just helped it along. maybe thats what i can take from this. and, god, what mind blowing sex it is. finally ive found someone to keep up with me with all the wierd shit i like. the first time we were together we went to the fuel pits, which is where they have me working while were out here, after night check had left. then an unlocked liberty van in the parking lot outside the barracks. then a maids supply room. there were more conventonal places but they arent worth mentioning.
i love it out here in nevada. the base sucks but its so close to good places. last weekend we went to mwr (norale, welfare, and recreation), wich is a place where you can sign up for trips and whatnot, and asked if they had any trips to reno for the weekend. they gave us the keys to a van. they gave four drunk 20 and 21 year olds their own van for 4 days. what a bad idea. we went to reno for 2 days and then we went to lake tahoe. its so nice out there. we climbed a mountain in our sandals and ate snow. so much fun. ill try to get pictures on here at some point. next weekend, san franmotherfuckingcisco. i cant wait. we were going to go just to see the pacific but lake tahoe was too good.
i have to go. i miss you and love you all. 2 more months and ill be home!