Hey. I haven't really updated in here in awhile. I was updating blurty for a little while which I don't think anyone knew or cares about other than a few. I guess it was more comfortable updating in there since no one but a few really read it. Anyways, I haven't really been up to much. School is alright. I only have 5 classes but I don't really
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Also, I have to agree with the anonymous comment. So the guy came and plugged for Bush - big deal. You want to get away from that? Stop watching television, reading magazines, listening to the radio, and going outside at all and you might, you just might escape the large part of propaganda from both sides that is virtually everywhere. People make CDs about how much they hate Bush, people do concert tours based on the fact that they want Bush out of office, and people show up in schools and talk about how they're voting for Bush. That's the way it is, and you can't condemn one side without condemning both.
and to brian-. hi. I miss you too. sigh. well. yeah. kbyes. <33333.
If a Kerry fan came in also and the two had a debate, THAT would be an interesting and educational thing. I would support that 100%. But just having a Bush supporter come in and preach is really, really uncool and probably illegal.
TV isn't.
I think that's a pretty fair opinion on it, honestly.
And also, I do have respect for soilders. I agree that it is really hard and difficult and everything you said. It's something I'm sure I never want to do and I have respect for the people who have gone through it and SURVIVED it. I just don't agree with coming to classes and talking to students. It's just not the place for it. If a guy came into one of your classes and told you guys to vote for Kerry, then he said "God is a fag, I worship satan", you would not be annoyed? be honest.
I know you will argue with me about it until... forever, so it's really not that important. Just understand what I'm saying.
That's why Mr. Swartz(my history teacher last year) was such a wonderful teacher. He told BOTH sides to every story and always make it interesting.
Mr. Yerke had communist beliefs. He never told the class that though. He kept his opinions to himself which was smart.
I'm kind of rambling. Anyways, if you agree on what we are both saying here, then why do you think what the marine did was ok?
Of course, I'm sure it's easier to pin off your lack of an answer on what you think are my character flaws. -shrugs-
and unfortunetly, the biased teacher stuff just gets worse in college. luckily, you're alowed to switch teachers as many times as you want until you find one that suits your educational
So you're saying it's okay if teachers do it, but not anyone else? (Also, unfortunately this person was school related - they attended KHS two years ago. That means this isn't random targeting by the government or Bush or anyone else - it's a former student wanting to come back of his own volition.) It's okay if teachers cram unwanted opinions down our throats, but when our peers get a chance at it, all of a sudden we're up in arms? Yes, peers. We went to highschool with this guy (assuming you go to KHS - I'm sorry, I don't know you very well either). Kids come back all the time and see teachers. It's happened in two of my classes this year already. As soon as one offends you, though, it's not okay anymore ( ... )
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