"Don't let Satan change my presets."

Mar 31, 2018 18:03

Poll BASED ON TRUE EVENTSWhen it comes to the radio, I’m a chronic channel surfer. Because, you know, this station might be playing The Eagles, which is nice and all, but another station could be playing Led Zeppelin, and I don't want to miss that. There’s a hierarchy of songs here. It’s complicated by the fact that I own some of my favourites on CD-Boston’s debut album, ( Read more... )

me myself and also me, spn outside of itself

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Comments 10

amberdreams March 31 2018, 22:13:02 UTC
I don't listen to music radio - they play too much stuff I don't like and not enough that I do, plus there's too much chat. So I listen to my own playlists - problem solved, no channel hopping required because there's nothing on my list I don't like.


finchandsparrow April 1 2018, 02:44:10 UTC
I never listened to the radio before I embraced classic rock (thanks, Kripke!). I'm in no way an aficionado of the genre, so listening to the radio stations has introduced me to a lot of songs I hadn't before heard and which I really enjoy. But yeah: I don't like 94% of what I hear on the radio in general, either. I tend to listen to a lot of personal playlists, as well! (Although, even then, I tend to skip a lot of songs, depending on my mood. O__O Never satisfied, I guess, lol.)


caranfindel March 31 2018, 22:25:04 UTC
There's something special about a song being on the radio as opposed to CD or whatever. Similar to the way I'll watch a SPN rerun on TNT even though I own that episode on DVD and haven't even opened it yet.


finchandsparrow April 1 2018, 02:44:29 UTC
There really is! And I've done the same thing with SPN reruns. What's that, I could catch "Changing Channels" on TNT today? Never mind that I've seen it two dozen times and own it on DVD, THIS IS CLEARLY A BROADCAST EVENT I CAN'T AFFORD TO MISS.


kribban April 1 2018, 15:58:40 UTC
Radio? What is radio? I only listen to music in streaming services.


finchandsparrow April 6 2018, 14:36:56 UTC
I often use Spotify at home. But on the road? Radio and compact discs! :D


kalliel April 2 2018, 02:56:06 UTC
The radio is definitely something special! I tend to crank up the volume for songs that come on on the radio that I also have on CD... CDs that live in my car, and are technically accessible at any time. There's just something special about it! Carry On especially--it's sacred when played on the radio, though I tend not to listen to it by conscious choice that often ( ... )


finchandsparrow April 6 2018, 14:37:30 UTC
I literally forgot that I have my favourite AC/DC tracks burned onto a disc, too. (I call it my AC/DC CD, hehehe.) I could listen to those whenever I want, but I always listen to them on the radio anyway! (My choice for the [real-life events of the] poll was "Thunderstruck." The inarticulate unison vowel-growling is one of my fave things. XD) Now I have "Saturday Night Special" stuck in my head. It has such a good groove to it!


madebyme_x April 3 2018, 13:28:27 UTC
It is a magical thing when an SPN song comes on the radio and you just have to listen to it.


finchandsparrow April 6 2018, 14:37:52 UTC
I remember when most of my familiarity with classic rock was through SPN, and how excited I would get when, like, "Renegade" would come on the radio. It's not one of my top songs or anything, but I adored the music cue in "Nightshifter" (which remains one of my fave episodes to watch I LOVE IT SO MUCH), and so it was always such a treat to hear it!


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