"Don't let Satan change my presets."

Mar 31, 2018 18:03


When it comes to the radio, I’m a chronic channel surfer. Because, you know, this station might be playing The Eagles, which is nice and all, but another station could be playing Led Zeppelin, and I don't want to miss that. There’s a hierarchy of songs here. It’s complicated by the fact that I own some of my favourites on CD-Boston’s debut album, Bob Seger and CCR greatest hits, some other random songs that featured on SPN. When you can listen to specific tracks any time you want, their radio time may not be as precious. So while I’d rank "Fortunate Son" higher than "Livin’ On a Prayer," I might go with Bon Jovi for the novelty. Then again, the radio is something special: there’s that connection to every other soul who is also listening. It can be sacred, that connection. I usually skip "Carry On Wayward Son" on my CD mix; if it’s playing on the radio, it’s an Event not to be missed.

I have a lot of trump favourites. (I sometimes scream when they come on. I’m charming that way.) Aerosmith’s "Sweet Emotion" and "Walk This Way." Led Zeppelin’s "Kashmir" and "Ramble On" and "Hey Hey What Can I Do" and (especially) "The Ocean." A lot of AC/DC tends to come out on top; Boston, too, if I haven’t listened to them too much lately. Queen’s "Fat Bottomed Girls" (don’t judge me). Billy Squier, "Lonely is the Night." "Hey Man, Nice Shot" by Filter (I don’t even know why I like this song so much-but I once drove around a parking lot for five minutes because this song started just as I was pulling into a parking space and I didn’t want to miss it-and, like, you can’t properly enjoy this song just sitting in your parked car). Bob Seger songs I don’t own: "Beautiful Loser," "Rock and Roll Never Forgets." Bob Seger songs I do: "Old Time Rock and Roll," "Night Moves."

When it’s warm enough to roll the windows down, it’s all "Night Moves." On repeat. I don’t get tired of that one.

me myself and also me, spn outside of itself

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