
Mar 08, 2019 16:30

We're back! Things I liked, in first-impressions form after my first watch:

That whole elaborate kitchen spread and cooking montage at the beginning was… so nasty? But also rather delightful? High end food prep + horror. Nice genre blend. I was grossed out by it and enjoyed it.

Sam so saucily reticent in response to Rowena’s prying. ETA MORE ON THIS SUBJECT: He is dismissing her with statements that he obviously doesn't believe, because their little posse is walking a very thin line of functionality right now. One brick gets nudged and the whole thing collapses. Goal: don't drown, especially when Dean is drowning. I so loved how he said keeping busy was good "...for all of us." It was so pointed, like, For me too. So shut up. (And she did.)

Rowena’s vaguely 80s-reminiscent ensemble.

I liked that restaurant, the colors, the ambient sounds of dishes, peppy music. The ambient sounds that did not stop, didn’t get drowned out by musical score when Dean told Cas about his struggles with Michael. Dean's horrible insistence that "everything's fine," all the worse because he's not trying to pretend it is.

Sam’s autumn-colors shirt.

(immediate flashbacks to Sam and Riot in this vet's office, where’s Amelia’s cameo)

Rowena’s very dramatic dog mother theatre, and Sam like What on earth are you doing, have you ever heard of realism. XDD Sam was obviously just like, okay gonna go in pretending we have a sick dog, easy, but Rowena took this opportunity for a full-on Performance. “I let his mother ride the jet ski one time!” Where is she getting this?? Ahahaha I love it. And I love how Sam improvises along seamlessly but then is like, Seriously?

Sam's dimpled "Well, thank you" in response to Rowena saying it was "a Me thing to do". Their dynamic is wonderful.

The mental and physical elements of this metaphysical reverse-possession thing that Dean’s been dealing with. The headaches, the constant mental battle, “I’m barely even sleeping.” As soon as the Winchesters started coming for the gorgon I was like “Oh shoot. Oh SHOOT. IF DEAN GETS KNOCKED OUT HE’S SCREWED.” (And, like, I was so delighted when he did get knocked out, I will even forgive the slo-mo. Maybe.) That a knockout could vitally weaken Dean’s defense mechanisms, but the brain’s state in sleep could uphold them well enough.

There was a moment during the gorgon fight where I almost mistook Jack for Lucifer. His outfit is reminiscent of Lucifer’s recent wardrobe. Smart, sneaky choice.

Sam’s wrist behind Dean’s head when he turns him into his back. And Sam yelling “Guys?!” in a rare moment of intense communicative panic. Also Sam doing one of his unreasonably flexible checking-on-Dean Twister poses.

Physicality and full-body shots. Sam and Cas trying to lever a limp Dean onto the bed in this wonderful, physically awkward moment. Sam’s agitated fist-clench after Rowena leaves. That bit when he goes to touch Dean’s head and Dean jerks up. And then Sam left there, freaked but at a loss and very alone. (With, like, a mere tea towel in his hands?? I don’t know anything about first aid, but… that seems inadequate? Who stocks this infirmary?!) I kind of love it when one brother is long-term (by Show standards) down for the count and possibly in peril. It’s so lonely.

In Cas’s speech, the notion of, you know, everyone dying while you keep existing. Especially with regards to Jack specifically. It’s something I haven’t given a lot of thought. He’s been integrated into this weird family so thoroughly. When they’re gone, where on earth is he going to go? What is he going to do? There’s no one to keep on keeping on with him: even Cas, supposedly, is going to be taken away before too long. Really gives some credence to Michael’s appeal to him as a fellow angelic being. (These are incoherent thoughts, gotta ponder this more later)

Something I appreciate about Jack: how he disregards Meaningful Speeches™ when he doesn’t feel like being told what to do and how to feel. XP

Snake. =}

Dean FREAKING THE EFF OUT in the infirmary. “I KNOW WHERE I AM!” And just breaking down with “This is my fault…” and then immediately pointing a finger at everyone else. He’s been barely keeping it together and now that he’s suddenly woken up to it all going to hell he is just UNHINGED. Wow. SPN has been delivering some fascinating-sometimes scary-intense moments, and here, with Sam and/or Dean, is where I like best to see it.

I LOVED Michael in Rowena, because I was along for the ride and it totally took me by surprise. She walked in and I literally put my hand over my mouth, ahaha. And then-didn’t Michael say, whatever, I think she knew I wasn’t going to keep my word? I think Rowena figured she was going to lose either way, but taking into consideration the prophecy about her death? Maybe this would give them a chance against Michael: if Sam is destined to kill Rowena, maybe it’s while destroying Michael inside her.

Michael blinding them and Dean saying “Sam, Sam.” Can’t get enough of this crap, ngl.

Jack saying “I am a Winchester” in context of dramatically destroying himself. Lol accurate.

No spoilers in the comments, please! :)


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