Episode 13x24

May 25, 2018 14:31

I dreamt that there was one more season 13 episode that I'd completely forgotten about. The day after it aired (which IRL would be... today), I went to watch it. It was highly Sam and Dean focused, to the point where the brothers were on a backcountry trek with no companions, and it was just them and this forest, and these mountains, and that ( Read more... )

spn outside of itself, dreamwalking

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Comments 6

kribban May 25 2018, 20:36:29 UTC
Your dreams are always so great!


finchandsparrow May 26 2018, 02:07:30 UTC
My subconscious is flattered! :) I liked the aura of this one, it was very ominous. And nature-y.


amberdreams May 25 2018, 21:28:24 UTC
You should expand this now! It's a ready-made story!


finchandsparrow May 26 2018, 02:09:25 UTC
If only I could make it work with a Summergen prompt... XP


borgmama1of5 May 26 2018, 02:50:28 UTC
I am kind of jealous that you dream Supernatural episodes that sound so cool!


finchandsparrow May 26 2018, 03:27:13 UTC
It's a fairly recent development! My subconscious is taking risks, ahaha. The episodes are quite impressionistic, and never fully formed, but I enjoy them nonetheless. :)


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