Episode 13x24

May 25, 2018 14:31

I dreamt that there was one more season 13 episode that I'd completely forgotten about. The day after it aired (which IRL would be... today), I went to watch it. It was highly Sam and Dean focused, to the point where the brothers were on a backcountry trek with no companions, and it was just them and this forest, and these mountains, and that snowstorm. (I didn't quite get to that last bit, but I know the episode ended with snow.) There was something very intangible and indefinable about the whole mission: it was all ancient prophecy, and inexorable magic, and primordial powers-even while it was all about the gritty physicality of wilderness travel. (It all pleased me very much.) There were too many unknown variables for any one plan of action. Even the Winchesters' ultimate goal remained nebulous: it all hinged on some unaligned, incorporeal force that could be neither contained nor bargained with. They were walking straight toward it, stupid and desperate and brave-but also with an unusual aura of reverence. (They'd left their weapons in the Impala. They weren't that stupid.)

There was one distinct scene, in which they had stopped halfway up a mountain, and Sam, who miraculously had Wi-Fi at this particular moment, called a young psychic friend. (The friend was Magda. Her hair was blonde.) Dean kicked absently at scrub and listened in. Both he and Sam still had their packs on. This wasn't a break; this was a brief pause. Their mission was urgent.

Sam told Magda they were probably going to need her help.

"What do you need me to do?"

"We don't know yet."

spn outside of itself, dreamwalking

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