Hana Yori Dango Final (2008) - the Love & the LOLs

Dec 10, 2009 00:24

Yeah, I feel like writing a wee bit more on HYD Final.

Firstly, I got what I wanted - a ridiculously gorgeous happy end ♥ For this I'm forever grateful. Because if this story had ended sadly, I'd go hit myself with something heavy... :p And be grieving for months.

I loved that no matter what, Tsu&Tsu are still a major OTP. Major major MAJOR OTP! And they know they're bound to be together but there are still the moments like "You know I think we shouldn't do this, we shouldn't be together." Actually, I would laugh my head off at this if I didn't know the real-life love stories that are EXACTLY like this.

Tsu&Tsu are Epic Love. That's it. Period.

But! Aside from the Epic Love there were also the Epic LOLs.

What the creators were on (it all comes from manga, right?) I do not know LMAO. But it must have been one VERY powerful weed!

Random spoilerish LOL-factors (:
:) inspired by ice_axel

1. The Russian subs author really made my day by adding a random comment to the thief-jumping-off-the-roof-to-board-a-helicopter scene. It said: "Behold a deadly act! A jump through helicopter blades! The actor survived!"

2. The story itself was LMAO. Well, I loved the stranded-on-the-island part, even though who the hell knows what they were eating for a month if they don't even know how to fish! XD

3. I dunno why I laughed so hard at this one XD

4. It should be the first actually: MAKINO AND THE BEAR! XD Ok, she met a bear on a tropical island, I can take it, it's fiction. But to hit the bear right on the face, er, muzzle, er, WHATEVER! XD That was very brave of you, Tsukushi-chan! :))

5. Pope Rui the First XD

But I don't give a damn about it all because (as you can see above) I GOT THE HAPPY END :)) And it felt so good! うれしいです!

I'm sure I'll be rewatching this ♥

my gifs, j-drama/movie: 花より男子, jun-kun, j-drama, pics, reviews

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