Would you say that you are...
a fighter (aggressive), a guardian (protective) or a healer?
I'd say a mixture of a guardian and a healer. I'm hardly agressive, usually calm, and I love to talk to and help people with their problems. When I actually am agressive, it's when someone dares to hurt someone I love or care for. I'm one of those people who can threaten with a smile xD I'm really passive and hate fighting, but I can change at the drop of a hat. I'd rather talk something out that fight over it. I guess I have something of a split personality. I'm really sensative to a point, so when I see some kid of tragedy on tv (Sept. 11 for instance) I'll likely cry. I was always one of those kids that couldn't understand why if mom said I couldn't give money to a homeless person for one reason or another.
physically strong?
I have more arm strength than anything, other than that, I'm pretty weak. Though sometimes I don't realize my own strength xD; Actually, my brother just tried to jump in my seat on the computer and I accidently sent him flying across the room and nearly broke the keyboard and the chair xD I'm strong emotionally, though. I refuse to give into peer pressure. But there are times when I break under the pressures of my own thoughts.
better working independently or as part of a team?
I'm actually really shy, so I preffer to work by myself. I hate being yelled at if I do something wrong or put into an uncomfortable position, so I usually stay by myself. Independently I feel that I won't be limited on what I want to do and won't get criticized. I love working with my close friends, though :3 But I'm hardly ever a leader; I hate that role. I'm a terrible descision-maker because I can easily look at things through different points view, so it makes me really indescisive.
Hobbies and talents: Writing, art, music, english, helping people, acting, and getting away with things xD
Dreams and ambitions: I'd really like to get a job somewhere in the entertainment business where I can put my ideas to work :3
Favourite colour: Dark blue and forest green
One book that means a lot to you: (and why) Howl's Moving castle by Diane Wynne Jones. It has alot to do with the main character's insecurities. It's a fantasy, but the characters seem very true to life.
One film that means a lot to you: (and why) RENT by Jonathan Larson. I love the characters and basicly what the whole stories about: trying to survive this life and learning to love (IMO). It's very powerful on an emotional level. Hell, it's a musical! xD
One song that means a lot to you: (and why) This is hard >_o; I love 'Keep tryin'" by Utada Hikaru :3 Hard to say why. Hmm... Maybe 'cause it starts with "I don't care about anything," xD
If you could go back in time and live the past again, would you do it differently? Been nicer to anyone I was a jerk to (._. );
Three adjectives that describe you: Calm, mischievious, curious
a day person or a night person?
I love the night time, it's when I'm most energetic and it's so peaceful. I've always liked taking walks at night :3
Do you associate with any particular element?
I'd say air. I'm very laid-back, calm, understanding, and usually rolls will the punches (I'm also quite mischievious ^~). But I can turn into a violent storm if someone really wrongs me in an unforgivable way. Though I easily forgive and forget, there's always exceptions. I'm very open-minded and I hate being restrained. I've always been good at acting and being sneaky xD I also get bored really easy and can't stay in one place for too long. I love to joke around and play :3
[x] all that apply to you:
[x] practical
[ ] quick to anger
[x] empathetic
[x] nurturing
[] secure
[ ] cute
[ ] spiteful
[x] brave
[ ] timid
[x] kind
[ ] spiritual
[ ] reliable
[x] playful
[x] wise
[ ] graceful
[ ] moody
[ ] powerful
Which of the following would be your preferred environment? ([x] as many as you need to)
[x] somewhere cold and snowy
[] somewhere hot
[]x deep in the heart of a forest
[x] up on a windy mountaintop
[x] somewhere near a body of water
[x] a quiet place
[] somewhere loud/busy
[] a desert or barren landscape
[] somewhere dark
[] somewhere bright
[] an underground cave
[] a sacred and spiritual place
If you could be any animal for a day, what would you be and why?
Some tpye of winged creature maybe, or a cat :3 I love how they move. And I sleep like a cat xD
If you could possess any superpower, what would it be and why?
I'd like to fly, it'd be cool to get away and go somewhere far.
Anything else that you think might be helpful(!): I'm very artistic :3
(OPTIONAL) Please post any image that you feel really expresses something about your personality. (this can be absolutely anything - a photo or a random image from elsewhere - that speaks some key aspect of your nature.)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v648/Ku_chick_07/Anime/GINX13_feenaleah.jpgI'm a Gemini, dear ^~ There's two sides to almost everything.