Name: Hill
Age: (No under 13s - sorry!) 18
Three adjectives that describe you: passionate, artistic, competitive
Hobbies and talents: I run, lift weights, and do Shotokan. I also read, draw, write stories and poems, and travel.
Dreams and ambitions: I want to graduate college with a BA in Asian Studies, and then work in a museum for a while before heading off to Japan or China to live and breathe the culture for a couple of years. I would also like to get married and eventually have children.
Favourite colour: I love the many different shades of blue and grey. They remind me of the fog rolling in over the ocean near where I live.
Pet peeves: People who litter and harm the environment.
One book that means a lot to you: (and why) The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. It’s about the triumph of a few unexpected heroes. The story inspired me at a young age to go out in the world and do great things, no matter how small and insignificant I might seem to other people.
One film that means a lot to you: (and why) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. You can’t forget about someone you love, no matter how hard you try.
One song that means a lot to you: (and why) Led Zeppelin’s The Rain Song. This song means a lot to me because it’s connected to my relationship with my boyfriend (who I am missing so much right now). We would lie down next to each other, close our eyes, and listen as Robert Plant’s haunting voice washed over us. It was an innocent summer that I wish was still here.
If you could go back in time and live the past again, would you do it differently? I would enjoy high school more and make an effort to stay in touch with my friends instead of living in my own bubble.
Are you outgoing or reserved? When I am meeting new people, I tend to be reserved, but when I am with someone I know and feel comfortable around, my personality really shines through and I can be a bit outgoing.
Is the glass half full or half empty? Half full, definitely.
Strengths: I am ambitious and I always strive to be optimistic. I am very loyal to the people I love.
Weaknesses: My head has a tendency to be stuck in the clouds, I daydream endlessly, and I stress out easily.
And finally, please post a few clear photos of yourself if you have any: (OPTIONAL)