The Shirts We Wear

Aug 25, 2017 17:18

Guess who got their first concussion?
I'm pretty sure it wasn't my first, but I don't recall a time when I could definitively say, 'yep, that was a concussion'. But Tuesday, when I slipped on the cat dish in the kitchen and landed squarely and firmly on the back of my head, I exhibited just about every sign. Temporarily paralysis, seeing spots, pain like you wouldn't believe, and a contusion that would scare a penguin (which, admittedly, I imagine is quite easy).
The symptoms have been abating each day but I'm still not back to 100%. It's embarrassing for many reasons, not the least of which is how much I have trained a backwards breakfall. I can break a fall on concrete, and have! At 5:30am in the morning, on tile? Apparently not so much.

Old specters of doubt are haunting me. I had a long conversation with a coworker about a perspective boyfriend she was considering. The standards I gave her to weight whether or not this relationship sounded like a good idea weren't terribly high, but they still unnerved me. I ask, 'how did I get here'? And find all the answers terribly disappointing, if not embarrassing.

The country continues to spiral a drain of catastrophe. I can only lay so much blame on the likes of Trump and Putin. Many a voter, who vilified expertise and knowledge, are every bit as responsible, if at least culpable. The cult of the everyman's infallibility, of the hallowed Mainstreet USA, has soured on me.

2017 blog, beth

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