Playing My Nero Fiddle

Aug 18, 2017 17:55

You know, I recall reading somewhere that Nero wasn't crazy and that he was actually a really good emperor. I don't care enough to look it up, but I recall learning that we misunderstand him about as much as we misunderstand Columbus, Paul Revere, and Tutankhamen.

Regardless, the image stands.

So Charlottesville was a thing that happened. And holy hell, the aftermath. Just when I thought Trump couldn't get worse. And just now, it was announced Bannon is out of the White House? I feel like I should have shouted by now on my 'We're All Doomed' Bingo card, but it's too full and I don't know which way to claim victory.

I'm pulling Red Moon Rising out of retirement for a short story. I remarked on Twitter that it was a shame I wasn't writing that story...then I remembered I set my own production schedule. So there will be a short in a few weeks that will be little more than Everett and company punching the KKK in the collective face because if we can't have justice in the real world, by god, we'll have justice in fiction at least.

In other news, I think I've finally finished recovering from everything earlier this summer. With the conclusion of my week off, I'm feeling anxious to get back to it (writing, drawing, training, language, etc). I wouldn't say I'm eager, but I could be mistaken for eager.

Plus, there's the solar eclipse on Monday. That will either be cool or the nightemarish monster that is the present will complete its transformation as was predicted in the Tome of Yog'Soloth.

Maybe Ultraman will show up. That'd be cool.

2017 blog

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