After missing three festivals I was finally able to return back to FPG,, but this time with some new company. This was
ashe_darkthorne 's and 'lil R's first time to festival and I'm sure to say they had a great time. 'Lil R was dubbed the Lugal (staff member) of Cute fairly quickly and will hopefully have his own badge for Samhain.
We were up good and early Wednesday morning with the 'Lil R, the car already packed. We dropped the puppy dog off at the vet to be boarded, stopped by walmart for some last minute items and made it to site by 11:15 am. My goal had been 11:00 am so I think that's pretty damn good. Probably the best timing I've every pulled off actually. ::smirk::
We get there and start unloading.We were lucky to have a pair of great roomies
athairn and her soon to be hubby S. I think we sorta cheated this time around, not really 'camping' per say. For the sake of 'Lil R it was for the best though. I would have worried about the heat if we were in a tent.
'Lil R in his bed in our room. He's wondering how this is camping
this is different then being at home.
I got to see many people I hadn't seen in ages and spend some good quality time with many others. Logistically the weekend worked out much better than I had hoped. I was worried how 'Lil R would take all the festivities and being away from home. He did great. He was the biggest Ham there ever was. For those who saw him right before bedtime witnessed him go through some massive fussiness. Naps were a bit difficult to pull off in full. Overall though he did really well. I shocked my back isn't killing me carrying him around in a sling all weekend.
ashe_darkthorne had him in the carrier many times but both of us still carried him an awful lot. Thankfully he should be walking by samhain.
I do wish we could have gotten out a bit more. I feel we spent so much time at the staff lodge between 'Lil R's naps and working my staff job. I made it to only one workshop, the Candy Ritual, which was very nice actually. Ran into an old friend from high school there too.
ashe_darkthorne got to go to a few more things than I did but not much. A highlight was getting to wander vendor's row where we found a plushie Cthulu for 'Lil R.
'Lil R's new Cthulu, Have you cuddled your Elder God today?
One great thing is with where our room was we were within range of 'Lil R's baby monitor while getting to hang out with everyone. So our evening fun wasn't cut short as long as everyone stayed by the staff lodge. There were times that was a bummer because we couldn't venture out as a duo but I'm thrilled we were able to socialize at all.
The event has definately awakened the social bug in me. I hope we can arrange to see others much more often. Or at least talk via phone or internet if the in person thing isn't feasable. Oh yah I just got a new webcam for Mother's Day too so we want to create a chat group through for FPG. Look it up and I'll post the info when
ashe_darkthorne has it up and running.