(no subject)

Mar 04, 2009 08:16

Monday's snow day turned out very well. Howard worked from home, I puttered around and Bree lazed. In the late afternoon Bree and I headed to the park for some sledding and had a whole lot of fun. With the help of Bree and Howard, I also put together our new IKEA furniture. It's nice to have a full size couch again and the microwave cart is a lot nicer than the one we had.

Yesterday, the weather was pretty darn cold but glorious. I bundled up and took a couple of long walks to get chores done since neither Mustang does snow and ice very well. Even though the wind chill made it feel like it was below zero, I didn't feel it since I was walking at a good pace. The temperatures are steadily rising over the next few days, so the snow should be disappearing quickly.

Friday we leave for the reunion of the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. It's not run by the same family anymore but a lot of the same people should be there. I'm not planning on any ink, though I am bouncing around a tribute piece to Dad. I was thinking of all the things he liked and did during his life. There would have to be an elephant, Woodstock, Happy the dwarf and perhaps the MGM Lion. But since he also worked for UA, perhaps I need something James Bond too. And his love for plants and gardening should be represented and I have no idea how to incorporate his love of music. Too many things, really, to put in one piece so I will continue to think about it until it comes together.

I'm really, really, looking forward to getting away for a few days. I do love Maine.

life, tattoos

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