All worth it

Nov 05, 2013 22:20

I was up at 5 am and over to Mom's by 6:30 so She could get ready for car service to pick us up at 8:30 am to take us to her cataract surgery appointment. We waited about two hours before she was finally operated on and then we had to wait for some tests before she could go home. But, right after surgery, she remarked on my glasses being red and then as we were leaving she told our cab driver he had brown shoes. She read large print on the cover of a magazine and then called later to tell me she could see the big clock on her kitchen and actually told me the time. She also said she never realized how bright the kitchen light was. I cannot tell you how relieved and happy I am for her. My mom has a little slice of her life back and that is priceless. One eye down and one to go. Yay.


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