A question for my fellow cat owners

Oct 16, 2012 18:59

Has anyone out there had an experience where their cat suddenly turned aggressive? My mom has two cats, one that is near 20 years old and one that is 4-5 years old. The younger of the two has never been overly friendly but is not generally aggressive. On Monday, when Mom's visiting nurse came, the cat attacked her without being provoked. The nurse was bit over 20 times and needed to go to the hospital, though she did not require stitches. Howard went to get the cat to take her to the vet and the cat attacked him as well, biting him bad enough to send him to urgent care for antibiotics. The vet kept the cat over night and ran a battery of tests but everything came out normal. The only thing that has changed was on Sunday I put a new ID tag on her collar. Today the vet said she was still hissing and being violent. Since we ruled out illness, we are thinking it could be hormonal so we are spaying her in hopes it will calm her down. Then she will stay with me, in a large dog crate, for the necessary 10 days of post surgery antibiotics. During that time I'll be using Bach's herbal remedy formula in hopes that helps calm her down. Unfortunately, if that doesn't work I won't be able to keep her, won't be able to give her back to Mom and won't be able to re-home her. My only option at that point will be to put her down and I really don't want to have to do that.

Has anyone on my list seen anything like this? If so, what was the outcome?

cats, fucked up shit

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