
Oct 17, 2011 21:04

Mom was in good spirits today but a little scattered mentally. The social worker left us a list of resident nursing homes and Mom is fighting the idea of going to one right away. She talked about everything except the nursing home. Turns out she had an episode this morning with loss of feeling in her arm that got her moved to the neuro floor. But overall, she is relieved to be safe in the hospital and I'm glad she isn't able to get into too much trouble while she's there.

In other news, Bree is handling all this upheaval remarkably well.

Also, my Keurig coffee machine broke this weekend. Thank the goddess Java I knew where my french press was and thank the interwebs for reminding me of the instructions.

Also, when I loudly proclaimed I needed hugs this morning in my class, I was besieged upon by about a half dozen preschoolers eager to help. YAY.

stress, bree, caretaker, mom

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