Sep 10, 2011 11:08

Expect bunches of indignant posts from me about media stupidity during this weekend. I've really just fucking had it. I can't put on the TV because everyone is covering it. I can't listen to the radio AT ALL. I was listening yesterday in the car and every damn station in succession was saying something about 9/11. Do we really need all this? Even if I was able to forget, which I'm not, the media won't let me. The coverage is relentless. I'm tired of hearing interviews with people recalling where they were 10 years ago. I'm tired of politicians talking about it. LEAVE US ALONE!

Dear AOL news,

Did you really need to post a picture of the towers burning? Really? Can you honestly tell me you didn't have any stock footage pre 9/11. Go fuck yourself.

No love,


9/11, cranky pants, stress

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