Good things

Nov 23, 2010 18:16

Today's good stuff (I think I need a new tag)

1) Heard "Flagpole Sitta", "I Used To Love Her But I Had To Kill Her" and "Song Sung Blue" on the way to work.

2) Talked Bree down and got her to stay in school today.

3) I got a cyber thanksgiving card from a friend of mine.

4) The Thanksgiving feast at school was wonderful.

5) I rescued a very sick, very skinny and very sad looking kitty from the playground today. Even if he's too sick to save, he's not dying alone and hungry outside. I'm hoping for the best. I named him Bobby. He's polydactyl and I really want to give him a home.

6) Mom dodged the hospital again.

7) Mom's abdominal wound is almost closed.

8) Mom got got a new walker today.

9) Bree and I get to eat junk food and watch Home For The Holidays while Howard is out with his kids.

10) I'm drinking a Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat.

11) There is more beer in the fridge.

12) Pandora is playing "Lights" and I'm singing along.

gratitude, good stuff

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