Today's adventure

Aug 10, 2010 21:38

Sometimes, seemingly small things nag at me and bother me. Today it's a crow. I just missed 5 parking spots this morning, which caused me to round the corner. As I drove down the street, I saw something large and black flapping near a car tire. For those that don't know, I love crows. If I have a totem animal, a spirit guide, it would be a crow. So, I drove to the end of the street, turned the corner and found a parking space right away. After I parked the car, I grabbed my gardening gloves from the trunk, shouldered all my bags for school and ran back to the crow. It was large and beautiful but panting and flapping wildly next to a car tire. People had seen it but couldn't be bothered to help it. Anyway, I donned the gloves, and scooped it up, talking to it to soothe it, and it calmed down immediately. I walked the two blocks to work and was able to find something to put it in. Luckily, I have a boss who is as animal friendly as I am so I wasn't worried about being scolded for bringing it into the school. Once I got it comfortable in an old picnic basket we had in the room, I soaked a paper towel with a bit of water and gave it a drink, which it readily took. We only had about 5 minutes before the kids came to school so I put the basket on a high shelf and got the classroom ready. Just before the class arrived, I checked on the crow and knew it was dying. I placed my bare hand on it and it died.

I have the tattoo in the icon because I do honestly believe that St.Francis sends me injured animals. Quite often I am able to nurse those animals back to health. But sometimes, like today, the only thing I can do is give a little bit of comfort and care before I send them off to the Rainbow Bridge. Usually I do okay with it. Today I am and I'm not okay with it. I am grateful I had a chance to hold this gorgeous animal in my arms and that I could ensure it would not die of exposure or hit by a car or eaten by a cat. On the other hand, I wish I could have nursed this crow back to health and that maybe it would have stayed in my neighborhood. Mostly, I wish I could have saved it's life and I question why I'm sent animals I can't save. But I know the reason is so they die safe. Today, however, I can't stop thinking about this crow.

animals, st. francis, deep thoughts, birds

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