Jan 16, 2008 12:58
Up...down...up...down. I'm extremely sick of this emotional roller coaster I ride everyday. I feel more and more out of it as the days pass and I can't seem to find much satisfaction in anything. All of the things I've ever loved seem dull and meaningless. My life, this world, it all seems meaningless and its disgusting race of self obsessed, materialistic, disrespectful, whores fuels my hate more than I ever imagined it could. It might be easy to say "Just ignore it," but you can't ignore it. It's all around you and its shoved down your throat no matter what you do or where you go. Its the society in which you live...a society your supposed to be a part of but instead your trapped alone on the outside because you refuse to let yourself slip to the very low, very vulgar, disgusting level that is what people call normal today. I don't want to live in this kind of world. The more I think about it, the more I don't want to do my child the injustice of raising him or her in this world. It sickens me to imagine my child growing up to become like them. And I know that no matter what you do as a parent, they will go their own way.
Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone has a dark side. I know this better than anyone as I've made plenty of mistakes and done plenty of horrible things in my life. I have struggled and struggled my entire life to be a better person. Not to give in to these things. After all, what makes us human is our knowledge and capability to overcome obstacles in life. To continue to improve ourselves. To look away from the dark animal instincts we all have and do the right thing.
When did society decide to take such a big turn in the opposite direction? To lose all self respect and respect for those around them. To indulge these sins and make them into what is now normal. When did we decide to become animals again?
This has nothing to do with God. I don't even believe in God. All it really comes down to is that we're heading in a bad direction and one I'm fearful there will be no return from. A direction I choose not to follow and I can only hope there are other people in this world who feel the same. Or at least people who recognize the problem and make the conscious decision to change.