(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 23:19

Friday afternoon, around 1.45.

Phone conversation:

"Hello, is this the manager of Bishop's Arms?"
"Hi, my name is Hanna. First of all, I hope I'm not calling at a bad time?"
"No, it's fine."
"Alright, then. I'm currently on the hunt for a job and one (guy) in (city), who I understand used to work for you, gave me your number. Simply but, I'm wondering if you might have an opening."
"That I do."
"You do? Splendid!"
"Are we talking full-time or just extra."
"I'm looking for full time."
"Alright, that sound great. Can you come in so we can have a talk face to face?"
"When can you come in?"
"Oh, whenever's suitable for you."
"Alright. Well, I'm really on my vacation right now, but I need to head in anyway to sign some papers, so... Come in around three-four something."
"Can do! I'll see you then!"

Soem squealing and a smoke later, it suddenly hit me that I was in a hell of a rush. Was hardly even dressed and just getting to the place would take about an hour. I did manage, though. Was there just before four. I left about an hour and a half later after a very nice interview and a couple of small glasses of beer (they thought I should start getting to know the wide range of beers that they have. Ye gads, I have some studying to do), and with a test-job schedueled for tuesday.

If this works out, which I really hope it will, I'll be working full-time in an english-styled pub in the southern parts of Stockholm. Beer and whisky galore at that place. Very nice staff too.

First nothing happens no matter what I do, then it seems that everything happens at once. Within just a few hours.


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