(no subject)

Aug 11, 2011 20:35

Dear young, male customers.

If you're twenty-one, twenty-two, but look like three sixteen year old kids, then you'd better be prepared to show a valid ID when you go to buy stuff at a liquor store. That's not strange, right? So, that said, what the everloving FUCK is your problem?! Why do you get pissy at me when I politely and with a smile ask you for ID? And seriously, you think it's fucking funny to repeatedly yank the ID card away just before I get a chance to get a hold of it? That's amusing to you? That shit-eating smirk of yours said you thought it was damn funny. Listen, you no good bastard, it's not wise to mess with the worn-out and stressed person behind the register. I was this fucking close to toss your sorry asses out of the store. Only reason I didn't was because one of you were not totally impolite and rude.

And all you other young guys? Even if you're not complete bastards like these three - okay, more like two of them - you still don't have to sigh and roll your eyes when I ask for ID. You're most likely going to be carded close to when you're thirty. I'm twenty-nine and I still get carded. Fucking deal with it.

No Love. Just fuck off.


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