For the friend of a friend

Aug 01, 2011 13:29

"3 years ago on this very day an unknown family to me made the greatest gift to my child, the gift of organs. A remarkable gift from a family that I have never met. August 1st we light a candle for this family. Please join me in a candlelight vigil to raise awareness for organ donation & to recognize the unknown donor family in all 50 states for the 3rd year.."

States still needing representation are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Indiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

I know there's not many who reads this journal, but what the heck... Those of you who do, light a candle, or even just a lighter for ten seconds if that's what you got, and spare a thought. It takes so little, but can mean so much.

And if you want to take a photo, or report in so I can pass on the word, to add to the list of states or even countries, feel free to poke me. And, feel free to spread the word.
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