Crossing one more from my "must see before I die" list.

Mar 14, 2011 00:26

So I just saw Devin Townsend live. BEST DAMN GIG EVER! Seriously, this was one of the best gigs I've ever been to. It started out with Ziltoid the Omniscient showing up on the screens to talk about his penis and that his balls were sweaty, and other such things. Then came the band.

There was such a feeling of joy rolling from the stage, even with all the hard-as-steel, kicking-your-ass music they played. And, for the last encore? They got about fifteen people from the crowd up on stage to sing along and dance.

And, they played a lot of older stuff I truly know by heart. So is my throat raw from singing and screaming along? You betcha!

Some of the stuff from the set list:



Deep peace

By your command

Bend it like Bender

music, fun stuff

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