May 26, 2008 20:47
Ok, so we went to visit my mom's parents in ohio this weekend... you know, memorial day. ok, seems cool... especially cuz we havent seen them since thanksgiving.
all... we... did... was... sit... eat... sleep... sit... eat... sleep....
seriously? we did nothing. no projects they needed done. no yardwork etc. no museums, no nothing. we left the house to eat out and that was it. i was like, CAN WE GO TO THE MALL OR SOMETHING.
i have never sat and done nothing so much in my life. there was a point where i wanted to do my grandparent's laundry. i played gameboy and took like 5 naps a day. omg i cant even tell you how much i wanted to DO SOMETHING.
so we get home today, and i went to work... on EVERYTHING. the laundry is almost done, the garage sale stuff has been brought upstairs and organized, the basement has been purged.. i dont know what else to do. its only 9, too early for bed... too late to do stuff outside. i guess i could start pricing stuff at least. geez i dont know what else to do. but im like DYING to do stuff... anything
oh yes... both the parentals will be home from work tomorrow. GREAT. i can only imagine how torturous it's gonna be. :-( i think im gonna go crazy.
count down til im back at isu: 7 days.
im done ranting... im gonna try to find something to do.