(no subject)

Feb 17, 2004 07:36

so using my poor photoshop skills, I was able to smooth out my latest user pic a little bit. I'm fantastic like that. not much to really report today. I got home last night, and played FFXI for about 90 minutes, but we'll cover that in the geek update. maybe start a geeking out with chris section of the journal.... blah. after I logged out of FFXI, I just kinda vegitated at the computer. called out for Donatos as the family had already eaten by the time I got home. at 5:30. what the fuck?? I'm going to need to seriously start stocking my own food outside of what I do currently. something more to the tune of full meals, rather than pasta type things typically used as sides. (these things become snacks for me too.... fuck you Dr Atkins!) heh. this job is considerably more tolerable in an 8-12 block. I wish I could just do that all the time, and then go to school. I kinda miss school. it felt like I was doing something. right now, I am quickly becoming an american otaku, save for I don't play my games enough. but I DO work to keep myself in games, and anymore am just spending all my time at home. not a wholly bad pursuit really, as it gives me time to nap, something which REALLY wastes my scant hours of free time. one of these days I need to rope Jesse and we need to go hang out at union. not done that since november or something absurd like that. he's busy with his BF though, and they seem to be working out well, so that's cool. only took something like 2 years to find a decent guy. considering some of them, well, let's not go into that in a public forum.

I'm hoping today is REALLY slow. I doubt it, since yesterday I told at least 3 customers to call back today. (for some reason, the provisioning people took yesterday off. fuckers!) so I am working my 4 hours of mandatory OT today. COULD be sleeping, but no no no I only get 1 frickin day off a week! blah. I'll be home about 1:30-2, which is damn sad since I get off at noon. *sighs* oh well. maybe I'll go have lunch and a couple drinks someplace. heh. yeah right. it will be to home, a nap, and then game. I need to gather moneys to send to Adam in japan. need to call Jon and get cash from him too. keep forgetting to do that. I'll see if I can get a figure out of adam tonight so I can be as exact as possible. I need to know how much I can pool for any other fun things to have him send m. (I keep forgetting to mention I need a Moogle plush from FFCC. kawaii!!!!!!!!) fuck, this Secret of Mana remix is amazingly good; it's from the Calm Lands I believe. (I THINK this is Stomp to the Sky from OCRemix, but I am not sure....) now that I think of it, FFCC is essentially the evolution of the Seiken Densetsu series. though lighter on the plot than Seiken Densetsu 3, it's a better go than Legend of Mana was on the PSX. (there was just nothing to tie it all together. it coulda been a kickass game had I not lost interest because of that. it was a lush and beautiful 2-D game, very vibrant, just lacked the plot I so desire)

last night I only ended up gaining about 900XP of the 2400 neccessary for level 10. stupid monsters on La Theine. with level 10, I think I can do some fighting there. I would have kept going last night, but the abysmal accuraccy of the Elvaan people is causing me much harm. the Monk class' 2 hour ability though.... fucking hell it's sick. it takes maybe 5 seconds to rev up, but after that, you are a demon for 1 minute. not literally, but..... damn. for up to 55 seconds you attack. CONSTANTLY. punch after punch after punch. it's amazing to watch a Monk with Hundred Fists on walk up to a monster and proceed to whoop ass like no other. it's saved my ass more times than the Warrior's Mighty Strikes ability ever could hope to. (which isn't bad, mind you, but Hundred Fist is AMAZING) hehe. maybe I'll play some FFCC tonight and work on advancing my 1 player character. he's becoming quite the little badass....
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