And though the scars of yesterday remain...

May 01, 2010 10:31

The past has a nasty way of creeping up on you when you have forgotten. I have not had serious problems with my asthma since around the age of thirteen, fourteen. However, yesterday I ended up in the emergency room with some seriously constricted breathing. They thought I might have pneumonia because earlier in the week I actually had the flu or something, so they gave me a chest x-ray. They also gave me a steroid injection and, of course, my old friend, the neubulizer made an appearance. They sent me home with more steroids, albuterol in pill form strangely enough, some coughing medicine, and some mucus thinners. Yep, but I am better, so that makes me very happy. Breathing is really something we should not take for granted.

Last week on Friday, I had some kind of bug that was making me cough, and I could feel that it was partly because my asthma was getting irritated. So, I went to the doctor, told him I was an asmathic, and I needed some coughing medicine to help me sleep. See, the problem with doctors is they generally do not believe their patients. When I say I am an asmathic, most doctors do not believe my asthma is serious since it does not follow the "normal" reaction path. So, he gave me some pills, which helped a little, but they only lasted till Monday. To my credit, I lasted until Wednesday before starting to get seriously bad. I started doing my inhaler, hoping that I would get better, but no such luck. When I woke up on Friday morning, I told Uuganaa I needed to see a doctor because my asthma was only getting worse. I went to his hospital, and Uuganaa's professor sent me to the emergency room. And there you have it.

I am better now, so do not worry. I'm just angry because I have not done any serious work in two weeks. This is not good. But I can breath, so maybe I should just be happy.
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