Ahhh, the Great One his own bad self. :) Ladies, Gents, Benchilada, He Who Eats Things So You Don't Have To. A pleasure to have you here, sir, and thanks for the kind words.
As to how I know about you, even if I hadn't heard of you from my friend huskiebear, usually with the tone OMGWTFBBQWHATTHEHELLISHEEATINGYOUGOTTASEETHIS!!!1!1!!@!!, you and I both hang out a lot in scans_daily, where your excellent taste in high weirdness is always in evidence.
Comments 10
"hanky wet with snot" o_O
This song is NUTS, but doesn't disappoint. You seriously are the master of awesomely weird songs. :D
Sums it up for me.
Ta for the hat-tip! May I ask where you heard of me?
Also, prepare for shilling over in my LJ. :)
As to how I know about you, even if I hadn't heard of you from my friend huskiebear, usually with the tone OMGWTFBBQWHATTHEHELLISHEEATINGYOUGOTTASEETHIS!!!1!1!!@!!, you and I both hang out a lot in scans_daily, where your excellent taste in high weirdness is always in evidence.
Thanks again for the mention, mate, it really made an Epically Shitty day shine a little bit.
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