Ahhh, the Great One his own bad self. :) Ladies, Gents, Benchilada, He Who Eats Things So You Don't Have To. A pleasure to have you here, sir, and thanks for the kind words.
As to how I know about you, even if I hadn't heard of you from my friend huskiebear, usually with the tone OMGWTFBBQWHATTHEHELLISHEEATINGYOUGOTTASEETHIS!!!1!1!!@!!, you and I both hang out a lot in scans_daily, where your excellent taste in high weirdness is always in evidence.
I love it when my friends like each other. (I count you both as friends rather than acquaintances 'cause I've met you both in person, not just on the 'net.)
Ta for the hat-tip! May I ask where you heard of me?
Also, prepare for shilling over in my LJ. :)
As to how I know about you, even if I hadn't heard of you from my friend huskiebear, usually with the tone OMGWTFBBQWHATTHEHELLISHEEATINGYOUGOTTASEETHIS!!!1!1!!@!!, you and I both hang out a lot in scans_daily, where your excellent taste in high weirdness is always in evidence.
Thanks again for the mention, mate, it really made an Epically Shitty day shine a little bit.
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